
The Way Station Blog

faith explorers in virtual community



Jonah and the Whale Vomit

Last night, while the rest of the work was gently sleeping, I found myself counting 17 mosquito bites. I'm no stranger to that kind of thing in Britain, so Aussie Mozzies (...just guessing that's a term, but - surely...?) are... Continue Reading →

I am the “Prayer Warrior” Who’s Having Trouble Praying

For as long as I can remember, my mom has called me her “prayer warrior,” which meant if a pet went missing, a relative was having a medical procedure or a friend were traveling on a trip that required flying... Continue Reading →

The Cherry Tree and Me: A Theodicy of Abstraction

Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract that which is concrete. — Jean-Paul Sartre This has become one of my favorite quotes. In following radical theologian and philosopher Peter Rollins’ talks (as many of us... Continue Reading →

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