
The Way Station Blog

faith explorers in virtual community


the Bible

Scared of sacred texts? (Daring to look beyond the Bible…) Part 4

I’ve now talked about secondary and marginal Jewish and Christian scriptures, about the Hebrew Scriptures and their interpretations (also regarded as scripture by Judaism) and about the interpretative tradition in Christianity. There is one area left within “sacred texts” which... Continue Reading →

Scared of sacred texts? (Daring to look beyond the Bible…) Part 3

In parts 1 & 2 I talked firstly about scripture which was in one way or another secondary, either because it was not fully accepted by some churches, or because it wasn’t accepted by any of them any more, and... Continue Reading →

Scared of sacred texts? (Daring to look beyond the Bible…) Part 2

In part 1, I looked at some examples of what one might call “secondary scripture”, including the apocrypha (or deuterocanonical, which is a translation of “secondary scripture”) and a set of completely extra-canonical works which probably were “scripture” for some... Continue Reading →

Scared of sacred texts? (Daring to look beyond the Bible…) Part 1

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”, are the familiar words of 2 Timothy 3:16, written, probably, by a sincere follower of Paul borrowing his name sometime during the first century. You... Continue Reading →

My conversation with Julian in Bristol

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