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Silverside Blog

So, among other things, heads up, Deacons! 🙂

Lots of folks, especially visitors and potential new members to our church, wonder how celebrating Communion–that is, partaking of the elements of the Lord’s Supper–fits in with the theology of progressives or liberals or nones. I don’t know of a single person in the Silverside family who believes in atonement theology. Atonement theology holds to the idea that Jesus had to die, and shed blood in the process, in order to save sinners (that would be all of humanity in these theological systems) from the rage of the god (lower case g intended) of their perceptions who without Jesus’ indescribable suffering could only be happy if all humans since the beginning of time would burn in caverns of fire that never stop tormenting nerve endings never destroyed by the flames.

Well, we Silversiders don’t want to take the fun away from those…

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